Wednesday, June 27

Episode 100: War of the Gods
Guests : Kim Hee Sun
Location : Mecenatpolis (Hapjeong-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul)
Mission : Chariot of the Gods race & War of the Gods Elimination

This episode is about the war of the gods. They start the first scene on the red carpet. Yoo Jae Suk wear the suit that is the birthday gift from Ha Dong Hoon or HaHa. The Yoo Jae Suk's suit is in green color set (Texudo, Pants, Shirt, etc). All Running Man members and the special guest will be the six gods as Eros, Hermes, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Athen, Apollo, and 2 human. The 6 gods have the special power for attack enemy and defense their lifes. 

Who will be 6 gods? 

Who will be 2 human? How to eliminate the 6 gods? 

Who will be the winner (GODS VS HUMAN)?  

Tuesday, June 19

Episode 99: King Race

Guests : Lee Tae Gon, Im Ho (Lim Ho)
Location : Xi Gallery (Mapo-gu, Seoul)
Mission : King Race - To complete all missions

Green Team : Lee Tae Gon, Yoo Jae Suk, HaHa

Red Team : Im Ho, Kim Jong Kook, Lee Kwang Soo

Yellow Team : Ji Suk Jin, Kang Gary, Song Jihyo 

Territory conquering race: Conquer as many of 9 territories as possible by completing challenges in each territory. 

Unification elimination: Each team places the territories it has won under the nametags of members of their choice. Tear off nametags to acquire other teams' territories.